

New Article in Vision Research

# Ball, F., Nentwich, A., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Cross-modal perceptual enhancement of unisensory targets is uni-directional and does not affect temporal expectations. Vision Research. LinkToPaper_bioRxiv and final version in vision research (available till 18.12.2021)


New Article in Psychological Research

# Ball, F., Andreca, J., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Context dependency of time-based event-related expectations for different modalities. Psychological ResearchOpenAccess


New article in Journal of Open Source Software

# Halchenko, Y.O., [...], Vavra, P., [...] & Hanke, M. (2021). DataLad: distributed system for joint management of code, data, and their relationship. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(63), 3262. OpenAccess


New Preprint BioArxiv

# Vavra, P., Leo Sokolovič, L., Porcu, E., Ripollés, P.,  Rodríguez-Fornells, A. & Noesselt, T. (2021). Entering into a self-regulated learning mode prevents detrimental effect of feedback removal on memory. PreprintOnBioRxiv


4th Modelling Symposium on DNN

4th Modelling Symposium: Introducing Deep Neural Networks will take place in July, 2021 (online event). For more information and registration see Website_4thModellingSymposium.


New article in Attention, Perception & Psychophysics

# Ball, F., Spuerck, I., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Minimal interplay between explicit knowledge, dynamics of learning and temporal expectations in different, complex uni- and multisensory contexts. Attention, Perception & Psychophsyics. OpenAccess


New Preprints BioArxiv

# Ball, F., Andreca, J., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Context dependency of time-based event-related expectations for different modalities. PreprintOnBioRxiv


# Ball, F., Nentwich, A., &. Noesselt, T. (2021). Cross-modal perceptual enhancement of unisensory targets is uni-directional and does not affect temporal expectations. PreprintOnBioRxiv



New Preprint BioArxiv

# Luettgau, L., Porcu, E., Tempelmann, C., & Jocham, G. (2020). Reinstatement of cortical outcome representations during higher-order learning. PreprintOnBioRxiv

New publication PLoS One

# Schettino , A., Porcu, E., Gundlach, C., Keitel , C., & M. Müller, M. M. (2020). Rapid processing of neutral and angry expressions within ongoing facial stimulus streams: Is it all about isolated facial features? PLoS ONE. 15(4):e0231982. OpenAccessArticle

4th Modelling Symposium postponed to 2021

Unfortunately, we have to shift our symposium to next year due to the pandemic. Stay healthy and hopefully see you next year (online or in person)!

New publications online: PNAS, AP&P and EJN

# Porcu, E., Benz, K. M., Ball, F., Tempelmann, C., Hanke, M., & Noesselt, T. (2020). Macroscopic information-based taste representations in insular cortex are shaped by stimulus concentration. PNAS. 117(13):7409-7417. AccessArticlePNAS or Preprint on BioRxiv


# Ball, F., Groth, R.M., Agostino, C.S., Porcu, E., & Noesselt, T. (2019). Explicitly vs. implicitly driven temporal expectations: No evidence for altered perceptual processing due to top-down modulations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(4), 1793-1807. Full text via NatureShareIT


# Starke, J.*, Ball, F.*, Heinze, H.J., & Noesselt, T. (2020). The spatio-temporal profile of multisensory integration. EJN. 51(5): 1210 -1223. PubMed  * shared 1st authors

New EU funded project

We congratulate Felix Ball for securing a CBBS LSA-Fellowship (EFRE) on augmenting visual reality.



New publications

# Porcu, E., Benz, K. M., Ball, F., Tempelmann, C., Hanke, M., & Noesselt, T. (2020). Information-based taste maps in insular cortex are shaped by stimulus concentration. PNAS.       Preprint on BioRxiv

Announcing 4th Modelling Symposium: Deep Neural Networks

We will launch our 24th Modelling Symposium in July 2020. Check out our website.

New publications

# Ball, F., Groth, R.M., Agostino, C.S., Porcu, E., & Noesselt, T. (2019). Explicitly vs. implicitly driven temporal expectations: No evidence for altered perceptual processing due to top-down modulations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. (accepted for publication)


# Agostino, C.S., Zana, Y., Balci, F., & Claessens, P.ME. (2019). Effect of Presentation Format on Judgment of Long-Range Time Intervals. Frontiers in PsychologyPubMed


# Liepelt, R., Porcu, E., Stenzel, A., & Lappe M. (2019). Saccadic eye movements do not trigger a joint Simon effect.  Psychon Bull Rev. PubMed


New publication in eLife

# Ripollés, P., Ferreri, L., Mas-Herrero, E., Alicart, H., Gómez-Andrés, A., Marco-Pallares, J., Antonijoan, R.M., Noesselt, T., Valle, M., Riba, J., & Rodriguez-Fornells, A. (2018). Intrinsically regulated learning is modulated by synaptic dopamine signaling. eLife. OpenAccessArticle

New publication in Scientific Reports

# Ball, F., Fuehrmann, F., Stratil, F., & Noesselt, T. (2018). Phasic and sustained interactions of multisensory interplay and temporal expectation. Scientific Reports. OpenAccessArticle

Poster presentation at Salzburg Mind-Brain Annual Meeting

"Phasic and sustained performance enhancement by combining multisensory interplay and temporal expectation" by Felix Ball & Toemme Noesselt

New publication in Frontiers in Psychology

# Dittrich, S. & Noesselt, T. (2018). Temporal Audiovisual Motion Prediction in 2D- vs. 3D-Environments. Frontiers in Psychology. OpenAccessArticle

Symposium on Bayesian Modelling

We will launch our 2nd Bayes Symposium in July 2018. Registration is free of charge. Check out our website.

New publication in European Journal of Neuroscience

# Schroeder, S. C. Y., Ball, F., Busch, N. A. (2018). The Role of Alpha Oscillations in Distractor Inhibition during Memory Retention. European Journal of Neuroscience. PubMed


New publication in Journal of Neuroscience

# Ripollés, P., Biel, D., Peñaloza, C., Kaufmann, J., Marco-Pallarés, J., Noesselt, T.*, Rodríguez-Fornells, A.* (2017). STRENGTH OF TEMPORAL WHITE MATTER PATHWAYS PREDICTS SEMANTIC LEARNING. Journal of Neuroscience. [Epub ahead of print]                  * shared last authors

New publication in European Journal of Neuroscience

# Starke, J.*, Ball, F.*, Heinze, H.J., & Noesselt, T. (2017). The spatio-temporal profile of multisensory integration. EJN. [Epub ahead of print]           * shared 1st authors

2 poster presentations at 1st Conference of the Timing Research Forum

  • "The fate of temporal expectations in noisy environments: Robust extraction of temporal regularities is limited to multisensory events" by Felix Ball, Lara Michels, Toemme Noesselt
  • "The effect of abstract numerals on long-range time interval estimation" by Camila S. Agostino, Peter Claessens, Fuat Balci, Yossi Zana

New publication in Cognition

# Ball, F., Michels, L. E., Thiele, C., & Noesselt, T. (2017). The role of multisensory interplay in enabling temporal expectations. Cognition. 170, 130-146. [Epub ahead of print]

Symposium on Temporal Expectations

"You know it's time: The beneficial effects of temporal attention on perception" - Symposium at ICON 2017. Speakers: Freek van Ede & Kia Nobre, Felix Ball, Jennifer Coull, Theodore Zanto

New publication in NeuroImage

# Zierul, B., Röder, B., Tempelmann, C., Bruns, P., & Noesselt, T. (2017). The role of auditory cortex in the spatial ventriloquism aftereffect. NeuroImage. [Epub ahead of print]. PubMed

New publication in HBM

# Pohl, T. M., Tempelmann, C., & Noesselt, T. (2017). How task demands shape brain responses to visual food cues. Human Brain Mapping, 38(6), 2897-2912. PubMed

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